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Norwegian Forest Cat Re-homing Centre. | |
The Norwegian Forest Cat Rescue and Welfare Society (UK) Rescue and re - homing centre for the Norwegian forest cat and working together to promote the preservation and original qualities of the breed |
The idea for this Society is the brainchild of a small, but experienced group of breeders, pet owners and professionals who became concerned by the changes they had observed with this breed over the past decade. These concerns led to formalising a way forward to bring back the original qualities by undertaking in an innovative way. Discussion started in the year of 2008 over many months. Then came the first meeting 22nd November 2009, after recruiting a few more interested parties we had our Inaugural meeting 21st February 2010, as a point of interest this date is the birthday of King Harald V of Norway. During the past few years the economic decline has very sadly forced many pet owners to part with their pets due to losing their homes etc. This Society has found more Norwegian Forest Cats in this situation that we would like - We have now become very active in the Rescue and Welfare of this breed. The other main aim of the group is to preserve and maintain the original type of The Norwegian Forest Cat as described and promoted by the pioneers of the breed in their Norwegian homeland. We have access to communication and guidelines from two of these Norwegian pioneers namely, the late Else Nylund and the late Helene Nordane; we will use their directives to meet our aim via the following objectives:
The society will primarily exist to help Norwegian Forest Cats in need. We will also encourage and promote the responsible breeding and ownership of Norwegian Forest Cats in accordance with the aspirations and opinions of the original Norwegian breeders. As a Society we recommend breeder members register their kittens with their respective registering bodies on the active/non-active or breeding/non breeding register (other regulatory bodies). Registration certifies parentage, and allows breeders the option to improve the breed by breeding from selected cats showing the best qualities from healthy bloodlines. As a society our aims are to advocate breeding using traditional bloodlines for the good of the breed and we see registering is recognised as upholding good practice. We actively promote and encourage responsible breeding of healthy cats. We actively promote that breeders take some responsibility in the cats they have bred if any of them become in need of re homing or welfare of any sort. Where there is a need, we do recommend health screening for inheritable diseases. We promote BAER (Brain auditory evoked response) hearing test of white Norwegian Forest Cats, furthermore we do not condone the breeding of hearing impaired cats or white to white breeding. We feel it is both appropriate and responsible for a breeder member who provides a breeding cat to a new novice breeder that they mentor, guide and support this venture for as long as required. Cross breeding is not condoned by the Society. Our website has many areas of interest. The main navigation links at the top of the page will lead you into more pages of information.If you are interested in the variation in colour and coat pattern of the Norwegian Forest Cat , we have an illustrated page . This link can be found on the History page via the link above named About the NFC. We have a Breeders List, Kitten List and an Adolescent's List – the latter is a list for older kittens/cats available for sale that are over the age of fourteen weeks. We have a Show Gallery for members for their photos and details of their Norwegian Forest Cats, this may also include a history of achievements and awards of all shows they attend in any given year, we start with the year 2010. The Pet Gallery is for members portraits of their much loved pets. To have your information added to these pages please submit your information to website@tnfcs.co.uk.We also have a very good Links page for various items for cats, breeders and other areas of interest. Interested in our events, merchandise and fundraising? Then please do visit our Fundraising page. Over time we will be adding more information to this website. Our Logo: The Norwegian Forest Cat Society logo was expertly hand drawn by graphic designer Theo Fourie who kindly donated this to us as a gift. We thank you very much Theo for this lovely logo and also for the specialist assistance and knowledge you offer regarding aspects of web design and colour scheme. You can find more of Theo's remarkable work by visiting his website www.africanant.co.uk/ Thank you for visiting the website of The Norwegian Forest Cat Society. You are welcome to leave a message in our guestbook.